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"Son of War, Daughter of Chaos" by Janette Rallison - Egypt, love, family, adventure, and a Princes

Geode Press our publishing company focuses on Historical Fiction but I want to share some recent reads I think you'll find interesting.

Son of War Daughter of Chaos

"Son of War, Daughter of Chaos." is an Egyptian Mythology fantasy/paranormal story happening today. Its young adult but I feel all ages will be intrigued by the exciting adventure it takes you on.

Ever since reading "Zenobia - Birth of a Legend" I' m interested in everything Egypt. In "Zenobia - Birth of a Legend " they travel to Alexandria, Egypt and Zenobia visits the Great Pyramids. In book two, "Zenobia - Challenging a Legend " will also take place in Egypt.

"Son of War, Daughter of Chaos" isn't historical like Zenobia's story but I believe the Egyptian Mythology will interest any history buff. The main character, Aislynn, in SOWDOC is a modern day Zenobia. She stands up for justice.

This year I've read a couple books that dive into Myths and Legends, which I love, especially when they're happening in modern times. The idea of mystical and magical things going on around us is fascinating.

Janette Rallison (C.J. HILL) does another series called “Slayers” that deals with dragons and how they are frightening and as real today as they were in medieval times. (I can’t wait for book 3 to come out.)

"Wraithsong” by E.J. Squires explores Norse folklore. (I’m eagerly awaiting "Blufire" the next book in the series to be released.) Here's my review:

In fact, there was a lot of similarities between “Wraithsong” and "Son of War, Daughter of Chaos." They are about two different Mythologies but they bring it all together into a modern story making it all the more captivating.

My full review of "Son of War, Daughter of Chaos" at:

I have to share a scene from SOWDOC:

"Just to be difficult, I asked for grapes then pretended to be an Egyptian goddess, with slaves fanning her with palm fronds while they fed her peeled grapes. Dane refused to peel my grapes or to fan me with palm fronds, but I still referred to him as "slave boy" anyway.

"Slave boy, can you get me a pillow for my feet?"

"Slave boy, I'd like some potato chips now."

He smiled when I gave him these instructions and always said, "As you wish."

as you wish.gif

Yep, "Son of War, Daughter of Chaos" has it all. Egypt, love, family, adventure, and a Princess Bride reference.

Happy reading!

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