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March is Women's History Month

There are many women in history who have made a great difference. We of course would like to share the amazing story of Zenobia with others.

Many have never heard about Zenobia; A true historical figure in 3rd century Syria who conquered Egypt and challenged Rome.

Why haven’t we read about her in our history books?

Until I read book one, Zenobia- Birth of a Legend by Russ Wallace I had never heard about Zenobia.

The Zenobia Book Series will follow Zenobia's extraordinary life that the history books have overlooked.

We may not know all the facts but with research and a great imagination Russ Wallace was able to speculate what would motivate Zenobia to battle against the greatest empire on earth, Rome.

Zenobia was a great leader in her time and I believe the love for her people made her stand up against the injustices of her world. She didn't want to live in fear. She wanted the same world we all dream about; a place where everyone is equal and our thoughts and ideas matter.

Many people around the world are experiencing the same injustices that Zenobia once fought against.

A novel that entertains and educates us is just what we need.

Coming Soon book two, Zenobia - Challenging a Legend

"Our History is Our Strength!"

We hope to honor the theme for National Women's History Project by sharing the story of Zenobia with the world.

National Women's History Project
For more information about Women's History month got to:
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Why purple?

From 1908, the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) in Great Britain adopted the colour scheme of purple. Purple symbolised justice and dignity - two values strongly associated with women's equality.

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