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Tuesday Teaser - Zenobia book 3!

Are you waiting for the release of Book 3 in the Zenobia Book Series? Now you can get a little taste of what's in store for Zenobia with our Tuesday Teasers. Russ is hard at work writing and editing book 3. He's also writing a new book "Deluge." (which you can get more information on that project at

First, we'd like your help and input on the title for book 3. Which title would grab your attention more?

Zenobia - Rise of a Legend


Zenobia - Growth of a Legend

Please share your opinion in the comments below. We appreciate your help. Here's the teaser for Zenobia book 3 below:

Zenobia book 3

Zenobia approached on Bethy, bow fully drawn, with full attention on the downed cat, ready to shoot again if necessary. After studying the corpse, she began to relax. "It seems that we are not the only pair hunting today," she observed, her eyes now scanning the area. It occurred to her that Cam would have been proud of her shot.

Odenathus went to Zenobia's dead lioness and turned it over. It easily outweighed him. He saw that her shot had been perfect, which saved his life. He looked at her in amazement. She appeared deadly calm. "Thanks," he said. "Not one archer in a thousand makes that shot."

"My pleasure," she responded. She cocked her head and looked amused. "Nice roll off your horse, by the way."

"A maneuver I hope not to need very often."

Zenobia looked Odenathus over and decided he was probably bruised but otherwise fine. Looking back to the kill she noted how deep his spear had penetrated. "You have a powerful throw," she remarked as she dismounted.

"I'll check out what the lions caught for our dinner," she moved into the thicket.

As she disappeared from view, Odenathus thought, skill per weight, Zenobia may be the deadliest warrior on earth!

Out of his sight, Zenobia surrendered to an involuntary shudder. That had been close, way too close.

Check back every Tuesday as we'll be sharing more of Zenobia book 3.

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